Unit 32 - Understand The Design And The Purpose Of Television Idents

Understand The Purpose And Design Of Idents
The history of the BBC television ident dates back to the early 1950's in which the BBC would display thier name in between programmes to identify the service. As time has moved on and technology has progressed the idents have changed from a basic box standard black and white picture to more vibrant and colourful short films. With many more channels coming onto the market branding the channel is more important to broadcasters than it was 50 years ago, this meaning that idents need to stand out from the rest of the competition. 

Understanding The Opportunities And Limitations Of On-screen Graphic Representation


I think all of these idents represent the channel they are made for, but some are more than others. For example the BBC three ident you can directly link to the BBC three channels as the ident shows clearly the name of the particular channel. I think this ident is successful as it represent the BBC Three channel another reason I think it is successful is because the BBC’s target audience for this channel Is people aged from 16-34 and I think this appeals to that age group. On the other hand the channel four ident I think is not as successful the reason for this being that although the ident you know is channel four, for someone who has never saw a channel four ident it is quite difficult for someone to know that the camera moves to show the rocks making a number   four and for this reason I don’t think this ident is very successful.

Be Able To Originate And Plan Television Idents To A Brief

Be Able To Produce A Television Ident

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